Wednesday, 7 July 2010

The Twilight Saga-Eclipse (2010) 300MB TS-ThaoX

Genre: Fantasy | Romance | Thriller
IMDB rating: 4.1/10
Directed by: David Slade
Starring: Xavier Samuel, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson
Plot: Isabella Swan was a normal teenage girl, in a normal world. Until she met Edward Cullen and Jacob Black. Since then she has been up against a Sadistic Vampire, The Volturi and an angry werewolf, Paul. But what lies ahead is something only Edward’s ‘brother’, Jasper Hale, can help the Cullens with. A Newborn Vampire Army created by a Revenge ridden Victoria for what Edward did to her mate, James. ‘Mate for Mate’ as Victoria sees it. But what she doesn’t know is the Cullens have a secret on their side. With Graduation coming fast, Bella gets more and more worried about becoming immortal and the fight. But the real question is: Who will she choose?

Release Name: The Twilight Saga-Eclipse (2010) 300MB TS-Krazzy7
Size: 300MB
Resolution: 720×304
Runtime: 1:55:09


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